Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The End of the World

So I was sitting in my living room earlier and my son just walks out of his room and climbs on the couch next to me. No that normally wouldn't seem weird but he was in his room, in his crib, taking a nap. Now he isn't even 2 I don't know how he does it but I think its time for a big boy bed.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

A Moment of Peace

So my little one went to his Daddy's house and I have a little time to myself. It makes me oh so happy. I'm probably going to catch up on some reading which I have been trying to do all week. But, I think I should also try to tackle the huge pile of clean clothes sitting on my bed. Ugh the decisions I'm faced with. My Finger seems to be healing up nicely and I can probably take the brace off in a week or two which will make my life a little easier. I just don't know. but so much to do and not enough time to do it.....

Friday, April 3, 2009

ummm yeah

So Yeah I'm super tired and I cant sleep. I have to work in 4 hours and theres no time for a nap. I hate being sick I can't wait for the weekend. Ugh

Winter in Madrid by C. J. Sansom

Winter In Madrid is a story about Harry Brett, A traumatized soldier from the battle of Dunkirk. He is sent to Spain by the British government to spy on a former school friend, Sandy Forsyth, believed to be a shady businessman.
In the beginning it comes off as more of a spy novel but there is also a hit of a love story that lightens up the book a little bit. I feel that Sansom put a lot of work into researching the history of Europe during the 1940’s before he even began writing the story. The characters seem to fit the time period very well but I found it hard to keep myself interested in the book because it seemed to be overloaded with so many facts that it took away from the storyline.
Sansom did a good job at sticking to the main storyline that he laid out in the first couple chapters of the book. I never found myself questioning why things were happening or what made him describe events that were taking place because everything seemed to mesh with the story.
Though the story was easy to follow and really well written there were times I had to push myself to keep reading which took away from the book. The book seemed to be written well but it was full of a lot of facts that took away from the fictitious nature the story was supposed to be set up in. I believe that I would recommend this book to a few people I know but the vast majority of my friends would not be interested in it. All in all I think it was an ok book

When I forgot by Elina Hirvonen

When I forgot is a story about a young journalist living around the time of the world trade center attacks. Throughout the story she retells events of her past involving her family and her mentally ill brother while also reaching out to her professor Ian and allowing him to open up and share the hard truth about his past involving his father.
I found myself drawn to this book from the first page all the way to the last page and once I started reading it I was unable to put it down. I feel that Elina Hirvonen did an amazing job telling Anna’s story. It was a little bit confusing trying to differentiate between Ian’s life and Anna’s life but after the first few chapters it became easier.
I feel that even with the sadness that the story revolves around Elina did a good job of keeping the book from getting too depressing. I felt it was a very good book and I will be sure to recommend it to all my friends.

The Sight by David Clement Davies

I was a little apprehensive about reading the sight due to the fact that it wasn’t my typical type of reading material but I kept my mind open when I began reading it. The first half of the book seemed to drag on a little but as I read I became so seduced by the storyline and after the first 100 pages I was no longer able to put the book down. The emotions that I felt while reading The Sight will stick with me for a long time. I will defiantly recommend this book to anyone who asks

A new Start

So its been awhile and I just got a bug up my butt and decided to create a new blog to expose the inner workings of my mind. I don't know how often i'll be able to be on here cause im still working way too much but I just might have to be on more often... I was just way to sick of my moosedemon and needed a change.